Helping people to realise their potential is a key part of what our Employment Advisors bring to a person’s journey back into work. Sometimes, the seemingly small moments in your past work experience may not seem pivotal, but in fact, they add valuable transferable skills to your skillset and can make crucial qualities shine and stand out to employers.

Single-mum Josephine was supported on the Restart Scheme by our team in Salisbury, and realising her worth is what got her back into the working world again!

“I came to my first Seetec Pluss meeting low on confidence. I didn’t feel I could offer much to an employer as I only had one brief role in a shop and no qualifications. As a single mother to a nursery-aged daughter, this further restricted my options for employment as well as having to rely on public transport.

“I was encouraged by my Employment Advisor, Adrian, that I did have something to offer and that I had learnt valuable skills as a single mother. He then developed a CV for me at our first meeting and he made me see that I had appreciation from my past employer, other employees and customers. I didn’t think too much of that but I was made to realise that they were real achievements and worth adding to develop my CV.

“I would leave my meetings in tears, realising that I did in fact have something to offer and that I could have a valued career. Adrian prepared and set me up for an interview with a cleaning company, for which I was successful! I’ve been enjoying this role since September and it’s been so encouraging for my confidence, I really feel like I’m contributing.”

The Restart Scheme is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Area: Salisbury, Wiltshire

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