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Case study - Web hero Images PeterPeter is full of praise for the National Careers Service and how it helped his career transition

In October 2023, Peter, a seasoned Quantity Surveyor from St Austell, faced the unexpected challenge of redundancy.

Having been employed for many years without the need to update his CV, Peter found himself navigating the daunting task of re-entering the job market.

Seeking support and guidance, he visited his local job centre, where he was referred to Barbora, a knowledgeable and skilled careers adviser from the National Careers Service in the Southwest.

Expert CV assistance

Peter’s initial meeting with Barbora proved to be a turning point in his job search journey.

Barbora’s perceptive approach and deep understanding of CV writing helped Peter articulate his skills and experience in a way that would resonate with potential employers.

Her ability to identify and highlight key achievements and competencies ensured that Peter’s new CV was both comprehensive and compelling.

Barbora helped Peter recognise and articulate the many skills he had developed over his career that were relevant to roles he wanted to apply for.

Together, they pinpointed significant accomplishments that showcased Peter’s value to prospective employers.

Barbora also used her expertise to create a clean, professional, and modern CV format that was easy to read and visually appealing.

Successful job search

With his newly revamped CV in hand, Peter felt more prepared in applying for new opportunities.

His efforts quickly paid off. By February 2024, Peter secured a prestigious position as a Senior Quantity Surveyor, working on a major redevelopment project for the Ministry of Defence.

The project, a significant part of a £1 billion investment plan over ten years, focused on the 10 dock refurbishment at the Plymouth naval base.

Peter’s recommendation

Reflecting on his career transition, Peter was full of praise for the National Careers Service, and particularly Barbora’s exceptional support.

“The careers adviser Barbora was amazing. She was so skilled, perceptive, and knowledgeable,” he told us.

“She opened my eyes to new ways of doing things and crafted a brilliant CV.

“I would highly recommend the National Careers Service to anyone, regardless of their career stage,” Peter shared.


Peter’s journey from redundancy to securing a senior role on a high-profile project highlights the invaluable support provided by the National Careers Service.

Barbora’s expertise in CV development played a critical role in his successful transition, demonstrating the significant impact that skilled career advisers can have on job seekers.

The National Careers Service continues to empower individuals like Peter, offering essential resources and expert guidance to help them achieve their career goals and navigate the complexities of the job market.

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