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Following a serious operation, Steve, in his 70s, decided he wanted to return to work to have the financial stability and quality of life that comes with a job. He was delighted to secure a part time role delivering pizza’s.

Steve who had suffered a heart attack, followed by a double heart bypass, worked hard to regain his fitness and stamina and was ready and keen to return to a part time job. He had a wealth of employment experience, predominantly driving roles and was excellent at communicating with others and building rapport.

“I wanted to return to work for financial reasons” Steve told us.

His adviser Nicola, helped him to understand the current jobs market and the digital processes of applying for jobs online, using the tools on the National Careers Service Website.

“I had no computer skills, I would’ve found it difficult to apply without the expert help of National Careers Service” Said Steve.

Once some roles were found that felt right for Steve, he was supported to go for it and apply online. Along the way, Steve kept in touch with Nicola, asking for her advice and support. They also spoke on the phone when he needed extra IT guidance.

Steve was thrilled when he was offered a job as a pizza delivery driver, he generally works 15 – 20 hours over 3 or 4 evenings a week and its exactly the kind of role that works for him and his needs.

Steve’s words sum it up perfectly,

“It is exactly what I was looking for,  just right for a person of my age, I could not have done this without National Careers Service



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