Sam (middle) with Seetec StaffSam was referred to the Restart Scheme for help with finding a job that worked around her childcare commitments

Single parent Sam joined the Restart Scheme with Seetec in Swindon in July 2023 with the aim of finding a parent-friendly job.

Sam recalls feeling low in confidence as she tells us; “I didn’t know what to do or what to look for!”

When Sam met her employment adviser Nikka, she remembers how Nikka set out a plan to support her.

Keen to go further

Nikka encouraged Sam to take advantage of the health and wellbeing support on offer from Pluss.

This proved to be the gateway for success as Sam started feeling more confident after these sessions.

Sam was keen to go further and with Nikka’s guidance, she signed up for employability skills training.

Better prepared for going back to workA photo of Sam at the Seetec Swindon office

When Sam had completed the employability workshops, she felt better prepared for going back to work.

Sam clearly took a lot away from the sessions, here’s a full list of the training that she’s completed at Seetec:

  • How to use the Seetec Portal and Job Hub
  • Facebook for jobs
  • Interview skills
  • Connecting with people/social interactions
  • Transferrable skills
  • Cover Letter
  • Job club
  • Multiply (fun and practical ways to learn maths)
  • Health and wellbeing with Pluss

Having topped up her employability skills, Sam became a regular at the Seetec job club sessions.

Job clubs are a staple of employability support and lasting two hours each, they provide assisted job searching for participants.

Experience and job-specific training

Sam started asking family and friends about jobs and her sister told her about a community café who were hiring.

Initially she had to volunteer at the café and as part of the volunteering offer, Sam gained lots of experience and job-specific training too.

When a paid job became available, Sam brushed up her CV and submitted her application.

Following an interview process, Sam was offered the job and she was absolutely delighted.

Support on offer is the best I’ve had

Her family are supporting her with childcare and she is now looking forward to gradually picking up more hours.

Sam says; “The Seetec team have been like a family to me, the job club and support on offer is the best I’ve had.”

She continues; “I feel much better in myself, my mental health is in a better place and I’m more confident.”

Her perseverance has helped her

During her Restart Scheme journey, Sam’s employment adviser Nikka was promoted, and for a seamless transition Sam was allocated to to her new employment adviser, Kat.

Kat tells us; “Sam has engaged exceptionally well on the Restart Scheme.”

She praises Sam’s job seeking routine; “she became a familiar face by attending weekly job clubs and her perseverance has helped her to secure a job role from a voluntary placement.”

Such an amazing effort Sam, brilliant work!

Can employability training and assisted job searches help you back to work?

Ask your work coach about a referral to the Restart Scheme.

Have a question? Call us 0800 334 5525 Contact us