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A photo of our participant Derrick with his employment advisor Claire at our Plymouth office. Claire provided effective 1-to-1 support to help Derrick find work. Derrick’s mental health had declined due to a prolonged period of unemployment

When 48-year-old Derrick was referred to the Work and Health Programme (WHP) it was clear that he needed 1-2-1 support.

Derrick had been out of work for five months when he joined WHP with Seetec in Plymouth.  

He was not getting any responses or feedback about the jobs he was applying for and wanted to change this.

Derrick was initially sceptical about how Seetec could help. But his employment advisor, Claire, soon changed his opinion. 

1-2-1 support

Derrick had lost his direction, confidence and motivation, and Claire could see that he would benefit from 1-2-1, in person support.

She started 1-2-1 support by listening to Derrick’s needs, understanding his circumstances and reassuring him about his strengths and abilities.

Derrick was recommended for a short temporary role to help him gain some relevant and recent experience.

When the temporary role ended, Derrick landed an interview for a permanent job, and he turned to Claire, once again, for support.

Conversational interview techniques

Aware that Derrick would not respond well to group training, Claire set about helping him with conversational interview techniques training.

Claire was able to assist Derrick with his interview clothing and travel costs too.

Derrick performed superbly at interview; he was overwhelmed when he received the job offer because he planned for it to be his forever job.

“I can finally move forward and get on with my life”

He describes this as his ‘forever’ job because it’s permanent and he’s already been promoted to a more senior position of trust at work.

Derrick tells us; “Claire has been nothing but perfect for me, she has supported me all the way through.”

He continues; “She still helps me now with ‘In-Work-Support’ and this job means I can finally move forward and get on with my life.”

His new job puts him in a stronger financial position, it means Derrick is able to pay off his rent arrears and he is saving for a new laptop as a Christmas treat for himself.

Mega proud

Claire’s excellent people skills meant she was able to connect with Derrick and adjust to his needs.

She tells us; “He was absolutely buzzing about getting this job and I’m delighted to have helped him with it.

“Seeing Derrick go from being initially sceptical to thriving is brilliant progress and I am mega proud of him!”


Can tailored 1-2-1 support help you back into work? 

Ask your work coach at Jobcentre Plus about the Work and Health Programme.  


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