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Image of Magda, she is smiling and there is a quote of her in a circle that reads; Thank you for being there when I needed it most
Thirty-four-year-old Magdalena, from Guildford joined Work and Health Programme (WHP) mid 2023 to find a job. 

Magdalena left her dream job as teaching assistant due to her deteriorating physical and mental health, she needed support to find a job.

She turned to the Work and Health Programme with Maximus because local employability support did not meet her needs. 

Seetec work in partnership with Maximus to deliver the Work and Health Programme across Surrey and Sussex.

Magdalena found that her Guildford WHP team were very welcoming and made the effort to adapt to her needs.

Understand her transferrable skills

Her employment coach Hilary helped Magda to understand her transferrable skills and qualities and this greatly helped her confidence.

Magdalena says; “Sometimes, all we need is a person who believes in us and my coach was this person for me.” 

When Magdalena was not hearing back from employers, Hilary helped her stay positive and encouraged her to seek alternatives.

Hilary noticed that Magdalena had applied for a role at the Guildford Jobcentre Plus and encouraged her to apply for a similar role with Maximus. 

Find a job

Magdalena was interviewed and offered both roles she chose Maximus and is now back to work. 

Magdalena says; “I feel very fulfilled and comfortable in my current position, which turns out to be very similar to my dream job because I can still help people to make changes.” She continues “I feel supported, appreciated, and can manage my health condition whilst at work. Thank you so much for being there when I needed it the most”.

Congratulations Magdalena, you are most welcome!

Want to find a job that fits around your health needs? Please visit: Work and Health Programme – Seetec Pluss

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